Welcome to Catholic Women Speak
Thank you for your interest in Catholic Women Speak. Information about our International Survey of Catholic Women is available from the menu above or at this link. The two videos below will give you a flavour of our activities. You can follow us on Twitter and on Facebook and find further videos at the links below.

Catholic Women Speak was founded by Professor Tina Beattie in January 2014 as a forum for Catholic women to explore ideas together, to discuss issues relating to the dignity and equality of women in the Church and society, and to raise awareness of the activities, opportunities, and struggles of women in the worldwide church.
Our aim is not to align ourselves with any single issue, but to create a space in which women can speak and be heard wherever they belong on the broad spectrum of Catholic faith and practice, so long as they are willing to engage with one another in an informed and respectful way, even if they disagree.
We started life as a small private Facebook group, but we soon had opportunities to increase our membership and to expand our activities.